Investing in Progressive Change
As Alaska’s political landscape, demographics, and voting systems have shifted, new pathways have opened for progressives. But sustaining lasting change in Alaska will require stronger organization, smart investments, and support for existing champions of our values.
Progress Alaska raises and aggregates funds to invest in projects, groups, and collaborations that advance the progressive agenda in Alaska. We work closely with both progressive partners and the donor community to maximize the impact of those investments. Our work seeks to balance filling immediate gaps in the education, advocacy and electoral spaces while striving to build institutions that will strengthen progressive power for years to come.
Progress Alaska is a high-impact, low visibility, and low overhead entity. We provide a discreet, outcomes-based forum for donors to build community, amplify impact, and drive targeted investment to create broad-based change.
Land Acknowledgement
Progress Alaska acknowledges Indigenous Alaskans as the original stewards & caretakers of the land all Alaskans call home. Alaska is on unceded Indigenous territories. We recognize historical trauma as a systemic barrier to equitable participation in the civic process. We work to make it possible for all Alaskans to play their part in deciding our shared future.
We envision a future where all Alaskans will have access to:
A just and equitable economy;
Affordable and accessible health care;
A strong public education system;
A responsive & representative government;
A clean and healthy environment;
Reproductive rights & justice;
Equal rights for all regardless of race, sex, ethnicity, orientation, religion, socio-economic status or personal background;
The prospect of a brighter future.
We work to create, nurture, and sustain the groups, alliances, and programs that promote progressive values & elect people who champion those values.